Sunday, February 2, 2014

GFWG Newsletter February 6th

Once again, I'm down to the wire. For those of you who work well under a deadline, this is the impetus. For those of you who panic yourselves into writer's block, don't worry, we won't flog you for having nothing written (were that the case, I'd have to give myself a few lashes..) is in the air...maybe we can beat the winter doldrums with a little creativity....(thanks to Chris for getting my butt in gear)

QUOTABLES Words to shift your mind into overdrive...

“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” 
― William ShakespeareAll's Well That Ends Well

“Once I pulled a job, I was so stupid. I picked a guy's pocket on an airplane and made a run for it.” 
― Rodney Dangerfield

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” 
― Winston Churchill

“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.” 
― Gloria Steinem


Freelance writing website
Why not parlay your talent into a career? Worth a look...

Mobius Poetry Magazine

Reader's Digest 100-word True Story contest
 Entries must be received by March 14th. 5k grand prize and publishing in Reader's Digest magazine.


An open gate. Does it represent an opportunity? Coming home? A long forgotten memory or a favorite place or time?  How does this picture make you feel? Sad? Happy? Does it make you long for summer? See if you can't draw out a few words for this lovely Vermont vista.

Written Prompts

Imagine you know you will be canonized as a saint after your death. It's already written in the stars, you've had a window to the future. What would you have done to deserve sainthood? Saved a life? Discovered a cure for cancer? Are there events in your life, things you've seen that would push you to nominate someone for sainthood? All religion aside, what does it take to elevate someone above others?

Describe baking a birthday cake. The sounds of the spoon against the bowl. The smell of the vanilla extract, the radio playing in the background, the hiss of the sugar as it pours out of the cup measure. Use all your senses.

Until February 6th....

Remember a writer writes, always.

Think Spring...


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