Saturday, January 9, 2010

First Thursday Recap

If last night's meeting is any indication, we may not just have to meet every two weeks, but for three hours a night. We had no problem going the distance, and could have gone into overtime, given all the material -- and the depth of the material -- in front of us. The highlight of that was a spirited exchange between Zack and Michelle over the main character in Ann Marie's piece. They could still be discussing it for all I know. Good stuff.

We critiqued every submission, (except Jim's, who was not in attendance) although Kay and Sandy didn't get to read theirs aloud. Too bad, especially for Sandy, who reads her pieces with such verve and emotion. Still, she took the time constraints like a trouper.

If we stay this productive, and God I hope we do, we may have to bring certain rules about author participation, rules that were once standard for our group and exist in many others -- that is, no introductory explanations from writers, and writers do not speak during the critiques unless specifically asked a question. Worth considering, if it keeps us on schedule.

Particularly since the next meeting will be another busy one. We have submissions from Cynthia, Kay, Michelle, Bill, Sandy, Zack, and Katie. Keep Reading!

If you wish to join us, the next meeting is: Thu., January 21, 7pm, in the Holden Room at Crandall Library.

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