Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Third Thursday Preview

It's Third Thursday time again, as we continue to put our 2010 experiment to the test. We'll be busy at this meeting, covering two pieces from Sandy (one a comedic sci-fi piece and the other a persuasive essay on the farmer's role), a book start from Bill, a book continuation from Zack, a total of six poems from Michelle and Montana, and three flash fiction pieces from me. We also get our first glimpse from new member Jerri Lynn, who takes us through paradise lost.

We also might get to welcome yet another new member, Mary, a Spanish teacher from Argyle. Between Brian's fluent French and Mary's command of Spanish, well, I'm not learning another language to stay in the group. Still, I hope Mary makes the trek, joining our other teachers, Michelle and Allison.

A reminder that there will is an early meeting a 6pm in the Holden Room for anyone interested in helping with our forthcoming publication. It's the first full meeting on the subject, so bring your thinking caps. Anyway in which you can help, any talents you may have, will be greatly appreciated.

For all others, see you at the regular time, 7pm, upstairs in the Holden Room, at Crandall Library.

Let's keep writing!

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