Wednesday, March 3, 2010

First Thursday Preview

It's First Thursday time, which means, unlike Third Thursday time, there will be parking in Glens Falls. Which is good. We have a lot to get to at this meeting.

We'll be reviewing the next novel selections from Zack and Billy, a brief bio from Alison, and poems from Montana and Michelle. And just a reminder -- the pieces from Sandy and Joe are not due until the 18th.

The GFWG will be going through another format moderation, this time no introductions and no out loud reading, save poetry. I'm happy about the first, not sure about the second. Briefer than usual introductions will be saved for meetings with new members. Instead of the 12-year-old go-round, we'll be discussing the business of writing. Not our writing, but the actual business side, from tips to trends, motivation to markets. Kay has brought up discussing my recent posts on Author's Voice and seeking volunteers to present other writing topics. There may also be a review of a conference critique I received from Cartwheel/Scholastic editor Rotem Moscovich (thank you Rotem!). Given that we only have five critiques this biweek, we should have time to cover everything.

Oh, and we had someone else express interest in the group, as well, a children's book author. Don't know if that mean pic books, chapter, YA, etc., but it would be nice to have her on board. I could use the company!

See you all there!

Details: 7-8:55pm, Holden Room, Crandall Library.

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