Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Very Short Story

Not exactly a post on editing, but rather an example of extreme editing. I've been joking that my new goal is to write a story in 140 characters or less. Well, here's someone who's actually done it -- repeatedly. His name is Sean Hill, and in the spirit of Twitter, here's a shortened link to his page:

For the rest of us, it's

Some really good, dark, humor in his pieces...


Kay Hafner said...

Very twisty, twisted and clever. Not enough to get me to join Twitter and follow him though. Having over 40,000 followers is cool, but am I the only one to think that "following" nearly 40,000 other people is a silly statistic? Twitter and FB have their uses but can easily be superficial that way. You friend me, I'll follow you but when everyone's talking it becomes too overwhelming to listen so you just tune most of it out.

John Briggs said...

Some of those 40,000 followers may be simply promotional, the online version of I'll scratch your back, you scratch mine. Some of it reflects reciprocity--since I'm following you, you follow me (Twitter doesn't have the direct return that Facebook has, however). I find following 38,000 people ridiculous, because you simply can't. That's promotional. On the other hand, in a strictly business sense, publishers want to know how many followers you have, how many fans you have, what's your base, how many hits does your blog or website get. They believe that a portion of those people will buy your book, and they're probably right.

But yeah, it's overwhelming. Especially Facebook. It's noise.