Saturday, May 8, 2010

First Thursday Review

We kicked off a warm May Day meeting with two lengthy, though not very heated discussions on e-submissions and meeting biweekly instead of once monthly. It was decided that people can email submissions but must bring 4 paper copies for those who prefer doing it the old-fashioned way. We will also continue meeting twice a month, a surprisingly popular notion given some recent grumblings.

We also reviewed pieces by Montana, whose allergies had her at death's door, Zack, Bill, David, and Kay, plus Ann Marie's return from four weeks ago.

Brian and I also discussed our separate experiences with the Hudson Children's Book Festival.

All in all, I found the meeting to be a rather pleasant mix of business and critiquing.

When we meet in two weeks (by popular consent!), we'll review pieces from Zack, David, Sandy and Jerri Lynn. See you on the 20th!

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