Wednesday, July 7, 2010

First Thursday Review

Sorry this is late, but computer problems rule the roost at the moment.

Our First Thursday meeting saw a good turnout for summer month, and saw us welcome two new members, Amanda and Gino. We critiqued works from Zack, Bill, Sandy, and me, following a discussion on the writer's trick of Showing, Not Telling.

So how does a writer show, not tell? Kay read three sample paragraphs of poor to decent writing in which the writer relayed information rather than revealed it. The group then made suggestions on how the paragraphs in question could be improved. Suggestions included more action, active verbs, dialogue, present tense, setting up full-fledged scenes, adding emotions, proper foreshadowing, and avoiding flashbacks. Following these basic guidelines can help writers avoid telling their readers (or listeners) regardless of genre. Showing can be done not only in novels, but short stories, plays, screeplays, kidlit, and even, on occasion, poetry.

Next meeting we'll review work from Zack, Bill, Jerri Lynn, and Crystal, and our topic will likely be How to Write Good Dialogue. Hope to see you there!

Details: July 15, 7-9pm, Holden Room, Crandall Library, Glens Falls

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