Friday, November 16, 2012

Writing Prompts for Thurs., Dec. 6

Prompts for Thurs., Dec. 6
To be read out loud--informal critique only so no pressure; have fun!

--A man aspiring to be a pro bowler loses to his young daughter.
--A gambler at a private high stakes poker game is caught cheating.
--“Thanks for seeing me. I need to discuss something important, and I didn’t want to do it over the phone.”
(above taken from The Writer's Book of Matches, Writer's Digest Books)

--Two people are emptying out a deceased relative's house. (suggested by member Zackary Richards)

Prompts for the Poetry-Minded (
--Write a poem that take place at a specific time of the day
--Write a poem that includes at least three different flavors and two odors
--Write a poem that begins and ends with the same word

Photo Prompt (photo credit:
(not sure exactly how to credit the prompt; found it on a pinterest "board" but not really clear where it originated)

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