Wednesday, September 25, 2013

October Newsletter

Summer is gone, Fall has arrived. My favorite time of year! In honor of such a fun season, I'll try to make this newsletter a bit playful. Next meeting is October 3rd in the Holden room. Sharpen those pens and pencils, brew a mug of spiced cider and get those creative juices flowing!

QUOTABLES Words to shift your mind into overdrive...

I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.”  ~ Douglas Adams

There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” ~ Ernest Hemmingway

If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.”  ~ Stephen King

Writing is like sex. First you do it for love, then you do it for your friends, and then you do it for money.”  ~ Virginia Woolf


2014 Writing for Peace – young writers contest
Not so much for those of us at the other end of the age scale but something to pass on for those of you who know writers age 13-19. Inspire the passion of writing in a young mind!

No Fee Poetry Writing Contests
For my fellow writers who write poetry, a whole list of no-entry-fee contests for 2013 into 2014.

Erma Bombeck Writing Competition
Normally I wouldn't include fee based contests because the chance for fraud is so high nowadays but the contest is in honor of one of my favorite humorists and it seems legitimate. The fee to enter is $15 and it's sponsored by the Washington Centerville Library in Centerville, Ohio where Erma lived with her family.

Another photo based prompt one of my favorite parks during my favorite season. Juckett Park in Hudson Falls has been the centerpiece of the struggling town for many years.

Written Prompts

For all the poets, and maybe some of the non-poets just to be brave. Write a haiku about your favorite....favorite what? Favorite anything, your pet, favorite vacation spot, favorite dessert, favorite person, etc. ….you get the picture..

Write a one shot about getting stuck in an elevator with your worst enemy....or your serious crush...gee that sounds kinda teenager-ish....or your boss...

October is the month for ghosts stories. Write your own ghost story but use an unusual or funny setting like “The Haunted Bathroom” or “There's a ghost in my sock drawer!” Whatever the case, make it scary AND funny!

I don't want to overtax anyone so I'll sign off and see you in October!

Psst..let's make October bring-a-writer-friend month! Let's swell our ranks!

Peace out!


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