Thursday, September 12, 2013

September Prompts

Glens Falls Writing Group....
     ...where good stories come to die, and some, like Charlemagne, await to rise again in our greatest need.
    And where someone made the mistake of asking me to help with the prompt/newsletter.

    Hi! Chris Baldwin here! I'll try to be brief (failing so far).

First. Next meeting: Thurs., Sept. 19. One week. So get typing. (and we're meeting in the Crandall room, which is the smaller room)

You want some prompts? Here's some prompts.

1. write about someone you'd love to see put in jail, but write it from a character's POV, not yours.
2. The streets were deserted. Where was everyone? Where had they all gone?
3. She'd/He’d never noticed a door there before.
4. Use the words "errand, words, see, fell, touch, through" in a poem (or at least some of the words).
5. Write something about the photo above.

    No get on the stick! Write write write!

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