Tuesday, February 18, 2014

GFWG Newsletter February 20th

Hey All! Writer's Group is this week!
Thursday, Feb 20th, at 7:00 in the Holden Room at the Crandall Library.
      Wait? Writer's group is In two days! Thursday!
      Golly, that's soon. How about some prompts like this:
1. An author is not given instructions on a manuscript until it is too late for them to do a good job by the deadline, and so instead the author writes a story about how they will murder their editor.
2. Some lazy bum has only one job: to send out an email. They don't. Write why. And what you'd like/plan to do to them.
3. Poetry Prompt: Write an ode to a leader/boss/parent which sounds lofty but is really just cutting them down to size and listing all their horrible attributes.
Inspiring Quote: “I never put off till tomorrow what I can possibly do the day after.” -Oscar Wilde
    See you Thursday!
   cheers, -Christopher

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