Do you ever feel like life is just a cycle, a twisting void of thought and inspiration, with writing meetings stuck in it intermittently like the arrow pin cushioned Saint Sebastian?
No? Good. Neither do I.
So, we have a meeting this week. Be there or.... well, or be somewhere else, I guess.
As usual: Thursday, April 17, 7:00pm, Holden Room (the big room we usually meet in)
Annnnnd, some prompts....
1. While on vacation, a person comes face to face with the person who kidnapped their child ten years earlier.
2. At the age of 42, a doctor cures a patient with the disease that took their twin back in childhood.
3. A ten-year-old comes home from school and heads out to the backyard to play with their beloved dog. They finds the dog sitting on a branch, twenty feet up, in a big, shady tree.
4. You wake up one morning, and you're (literally) an animal.
5. Imagine it's 100 years in the future. Write a letter to your local state representative describing what things you would like to see improved in that society.
6. Write an ode to a common household appliance.
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