of you know me as a newcomer to the GFWG, coaxed into joining by my
friend and co-worker, Kay Hafner, (thank you, Kay!). In light of
Kay's re-entry into college to further her career, knowing her work
load will allow little free time for creative writing, she has asked
for other members to take over writing the GFWG newsletter,. In that
respect, myself and fellow member Chris Baldwin have volunteered our
time. We hope to live up to the quality Kay has established with her
informative content and inspiring words.
Words to shift your mind into overdrive...
writer writes..always” ~Larry (Billy Crystal) “Throw Momma From
the Train”
is perfectly okay to write garbage—as long as you edit
- C. J. Cherryh
- C. J. Cherryh
took me fifteen years to discover I had no talent for writing, but I
couldn’t give it up because by that time I was too famous.
- Robert Benchley
- Robert Benchley
is its own reward.
- Henry Miller
- Henry Miller
2013 Assent Publishing “ROGUE WRITING” Contest
subgenres of horror, thriller, suspense, and apocalyptic fiction
The Family Circle Fiction Contest *ends Sept. 16th!
fictional short story of no more than 2,500 words (typed, double-spaced and page numbered on 8-1/2 x 11 paper),
Since I am also a photographer, I would like to try a photo based writing prompt. Write a short story, ficlet, poem, haiku or what have you based on this photo.. to give you a boost..this is Utica State Hospital, an institution shut down in the '80's...
~In light of Glens Falls'
recent Chalkfest, an exercise in description. One sidewalk square was
allotted for each chalk artist. Using whatever form you wish,
describe what you would draw in your square.
~Dialogue enhances a story,
great dialogue can make it sparkle. Write a short exchange between a
man on death row talking to his wife (children, mother, best friend,
etc. you get the idea) for the last time.
~I travel a lot for my
photography but it's never a grab the camera and go sort of thing. I
have to bring my tripod, bag, zoom lens, maybe my reflector disc,
macro lens...write an inner monologue for someone packing for, say, a
camping trip, a once-in-a-lifetime vacation, a trip to hear the
reading of a will, just as long as they're going somewhere...
I'm all about extending the story line of a favorite character either in literature, the movies or on TV. Take one of your favorite characters and write a scene for them. It can be written as a screenplay or a story.
Links Advice to keep us writers writing.
How YOU Doin'?
Applause and wishes for good luck go out to Kay Hafner upon returning to college to further her education. Shoot for the moon! We're all behind you, we know you can do it!
Congratulations to Chris Baldwin, a guest artist with command of the center circle in City Park for the recent Glens Falls Chalkfest sponsored by APE.
If anyone has news they would like to have posted here, getting published, going back to school, public appearances, awards they've received, etc. Simply email me at and I will be glad to post them here...We all need a little positive affirmation now and then.
Well, I won't take up any more of your valuable writing time. Any questions, suggestions, comments, please don't hesitate to contact me. After all this is your group, it should be the way you want it to be.
Until next Thursday, Cheers!
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